First Floor Layout and Technical Details

  • Römer Room
  • Thun Room
  • Maretsch Room
  • Anna von Sarnthein - Kaspar - Lukas - Loggia

Römer Room

92 m²
Maximum capacity:
86 people
Suitable for:
concerts, conferences, gala dinners, meetings, product presentations...

Thun Room

90 m²
Maximum capacity:
50 people
Suitable for:
aperitifs, receptions, product presentations...

Maretsch Room

78 m²
Maximum capacity:
59 people
Suitable for:
Aperitifs, receptions, product presentations...

Anna von Sarnthein - Kaspar - Lukas - Loggia

Ideal settings for smaller events, such as the tower rooms and loggia, are available on the first floor.