Musician band jamming together in art workplace with instruments

What happens at Mareccio Castle

Summer concert Orchestra Mandolinistica Euterpe

23 August 2024

Un evento musicale dedicato alla musica a plettro dell'orchestra mandolinistica fondata a Bolzano nel 1947. L'orchestra, diretta da Ugo Orrigo, proporrà un programma che si rifà alla tradizione dell'orchestra a plettro fra musiche originali e trascrizioni assieme ad alcune novità di repertorio che intendono coniugare il mandolino come strumento poliedrico attraversando le diverse stagioni musicali fino ai brani di autori contemporanei in un percorso musicale ricco di coloriture, stili ed emozioni.

For more information, click here


18 - 20 October 2024

Here's what awaits you this year... special guests playing and talking, panels of all kinds, numerous video games old and new within unique locations, tournaments, workshops, and many experiences you won't find anywhere else. Above all, it's a free festival dedicated solely to gaming, blending a pop spirit with a more professional approach, perfectly suited for everyone.

For more information, click here

Marry Me - Wedding Fair

10 November 2024

In order to better navigate the latest wedding trends and wealth of possibilities for the big day, the doors of Maretsch Castle will be thrown open to brides- and grooms-to-be and event organisers, on the occasion of the 16th edition of the wedding fair, ‘Keep Calm & Marry Me!’. This important annual fixture is dedicated to all things new and interesting in the wedding and events sector.

For more information, click here