Civic access

Article 5 of Legislative Decree No. 33 of 14th March 2013 introduced the institution of civic access.

The obligation under current legislation for public administrations to publish documents, information or data entails the right of anyone to request the same, in cases where their publication has been omitted. (Art. 5, c. 1, Legislative Decree no. 33/2013)

Procedures for exercising this right:

Civic access is a right that can be exercised by anyone, is free of charge, does not have to be justified and the request can be submitted at any time in writing by email.

Who to contact?

Foundation Castles of Bozen/Bolzano
President Dr. Notburga Volgger
Emperor Franz Josef Path 1
39054 Renon
T (+39) 0471 329808
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Head of Transparency of the Bolzano Castles Foundation

Andrea Kröss
T (+39) 0471 976615
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Access register

List of access requests (acts, civic and generalised) with the subject and date of the request as well as the outcome with the date of the decision.

There are currently no access requests.